Welcome to the NatSIP Website

This website offers access to a wealth of SI resources, most of which are now freely available.  We encourage you to register on the site for full access to everything we have to offer.  Registration is free, and open to anyone.  A walkthrough/howto on the registration process is here.

The Department for Education announced that face coverings will again be required in secondary classrooms in England.  DfE have stated that this is for a temporary period.

NDCS have updated the coronavirus blogs for families to reflect this change on face coverings:

One important nuance is that teachers are not expected to wear face coverings in classrooms when they are at the front of the classroom:

“We would not ordinarily expect teachers to wear a face covering in the classroom if they are at the front of the class, to support education delivery, although settings should be sensitive to the needs of individual teachers.”

DfE have also announced a further roll-out of air purifiers. NDCS would be very interested in any feedback from colleagues who have any experience of these devices – in particular, around any generation of background noise from these devices that may or may not be problematic for some deaf children.

You may be interested to know that the PPE team at the Department for Health and Social care have announced that two transparent face masks have passed rigorous safety testing and are now available to be used as an equivalent to the ‘Type IIR’ masks required in healthcare settings.

Further detail is available at: National PPE Acute and Primary Customer Insight newsletter.

I have copied the relevant excerpt below:

As you are aware the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has been working on a coordinated range of initiatives to enable the creation and availability of safe and effective transparent face masks to health and social care since September 2020.

 We are pleased that there are now two products made by UK manufacturers which meet the technical specification set out by the Transparent Face Mask Steering Group. These are just a couple out of many products currently passing through technical assurance.

 Technical assurance has now successfully completed on the Alpha-Solway and Contechs transparent face masks, this confirms they are both compliant with the technical specification and can be bought and used in health and care settings, subject to local risk assessments.

 This is testament to the success of the UK Government’s UK Make strategy.

 We are about to start widely piloting transparent face masks across a variety of settings in the UK to further explore usability. This will provide further evidence on user acceptability and suitability on this new and innovative product type within relevant settings.

We will keep you informed on further developments.

Here is some more information about the two providers:

Contechs: https://www.contechsmedical.co.uk/product-page/transparent-fluid-resistant-surgical-face-mask

Alpha-Solway: https://www.alphasolway.com/alpha-solway-protects-nhs-scotland-frontline-workers-with-innovative-new-uk-made-transparent-face-mask

RNIB, VIEW and BATOD recognise that, in the current challenging pandemic, providing specialist support to families and children/young people who have a vision impairment and/or are deaf is not totally straight forward. In order to support you in your role and with your invaluable work they have produced the following document:


Colleagues will have seen the change in guidance on face coverings in education in England.

  • It is recommended that pupils, staff and visitors wear face coverings in communal areas in secondary schools and colleges.
  • In primary schools, it’s recommended that staff and visitors (but not pupils) wear face coverings in communal areas.

The Department have presented these as temporary measures.

As before, face coverings are not recommended in classrooms, except where advised by a local Director of Public Health as a temporary measure in response to a localised outbreak.

And also as before, the Department have continued to highlight the need to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. The exemption against wearing a covering when communicating with a deaf person also remains in place.

The above is England only – different rules remain in place in each of the nations.

A link to the updated Department guidance can be found at:


And here is a link to the updated NDCS covid-19 blog for families, which includes information on the reasonable adjustments that can be made:  


Guide Dogs Children and Young People's Commission published their report on 18th November 2021 and you can download a copy of Children and young people with vision impairment: The case for transforming support and services in England from here:


NDCS has published a blog about accessible information for deaf young people about covid-19 vaccinations. The blog essentially signposts to resources developed by each of the UK Governments. In England, the Department for Education has very recently published some information in BSL, for example.


There have been a few small changes to the live covid-19 blog for families on education support: https://www.ndcs.org.uk/blog/schools-and-other-education-settings-coronavirus-info-for-families-of-deaf-children/

The main change is to add a new section about ventilation as an example of an issue that may arise in classrooms. the relevant section is below:


Improving ventilation by opening windows and doors has been identified as an important measure in reducing the spread of coronavirus. However, this may result in there being increased background noise in the classroom, making it harder for deaf children to hear their teacher.

If this is the case, we expect schools to take steps to reduce background noise, as much as possible and/or to place deaf children in quieter rooms. The use of additional listening devices, such as radio aids, may also become more important.

Carbon dioxide monitors are being used in many schools as a way of identifying if rooms need extra ventilation or to provide reassurance that doors and windows do not need to be opened.

Following the very successful NatSIP Working Event, News from the SEND front-line, held on MS Teams on 10 November 2021 we are pleased to announce that the presentations are now available in the Document Library.

The content on this 'single issue' event was introduced and led by Brian Gale (SEND Regional Advisor in DfE) and contributions came from NatSIP partners with examples of how they and their teams are 'Building Back' with provision to the SI sector after the effect of lockdown and the pandemic. They all shared their priorities and there were many themes in common. These explored the changes to working practice and the essential focus on transitions for young people and their families, whilst securing wellbeing and progress.

You can find the presentations   folder here.

Last year and due to unforeseen circumstances, the School of Education in University of Birmingham took the difficult decision to suspend all programmes in the field of Multisensory impairment. They are now very pleased to inform you about the re-launch of the following programmes:

  • MEd Education of Learners with Multi-Sensory Impairment
  • PGDip Teach Children and Young People with Multi-Sensory Impairment (Mandatory Qualification)

The University of Birmingham are fully committed to the field of multisensory impairment and look forward to welcoming new students in 2022. They will be happy to answer any queries. Please address all questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The NDCS has updated an old blog that seeks to set out the position on remote support to deaf children and their families, and catch-up support. It sets out some considerations that NDCS would like education professionals and managers to take into account.


Children and young people with multi sensory impairment (MSI) have very specific needs which are not always addressed in training for those working with other sensory impairments.

NatSIP, with partner organisations, can offer training for colleagues who work with MSI learners. 

The training can be delivered locally, regionally or nationally and, if required, designed to meet individual or combined school or service development needs.

A PDF flyer on the training offers can be downloaded   pdf here .

Please see an update message, and request for support, from the project team:

One year in and we are getting closer to the creation of a UK wide unified framework for Children and Young People with a Vision Impairment, thanks to the huge support and expertise being shared from across the sector. We would like to take this opportunity to update you on our progress and let you know how you can still be involved as the project continues to develop.

This joint project between RNIB, VIEW, VICTAR at the University of Birmingham, and Thomas Pocklington Trust, and aims to establish a UK wide specialist framework for children and young people with vision impairment.

The new framework will clarify and define the elements of specialist skill development, interventions and best practice support that are essential for children and young people with vision impairment. The 2-year project, funded by RNIB, is now entering the final stage of the consultation which will confirm and finalise the key outcome areas, draw together case studies as well as finalise the name of the framework itself.

The VI Curriculum Framework will be accompanied by the development of an online resource hub to support the sharing of professional resources used by Qualified Teachers of children with Vision Impairment and Habilitation Specialists across the sector.

We need your support!

If you, your service or school have designed resources to support CYP with VI in learning specialist skills and would be happy to share your ideas and resources with others, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find out more about the progress of the project and download our FAQs here.

Colleagues in NDCS have updated the publication 'Supporting Achievement – for staff in special schools'.

Deaf-friendly teaching: For staff in special schools https://www.ndcs.org.uk/documents-and-resources/deaf-friendly-teaching-for-staff-in-special-schools/

During the Summer Term 2021, NatSIP was asked to develop a tool for observing sensory impairment provision in classrooms.

Working with colleagues across the SI sector this checklist, for observing SI teaching and provision across education settings, has been developed.  

The checklist is designed to be used in both mainstream and special school settings as a first port of call by non-specialist SI staff. 

The aim is to flag areas which require further investigation, attention or support whilst carrying out classroom observations or learning walks.

As always we recommend that the best advice will be secured through contacting the local SI support service.

The checklist is abailable as both a PDF and a Word document, and can be downloaded from the NatSIP Document Library   folder here .

BAToD are pleased to announce their CPD Webinar Series for September 2021 - March 2022.

The series features a broad range of themes and speakers. For more information on the presentation topics please see:  https://www.batod.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/BATOD-webinar-series-Sept-2021-March-2022-summary.pdf

The specialist topics, additional professional updates and information from a range of sponsors would be of interest to staff supporting deaf learners in all settings.  The series can be accessed as a five-session package, at a discounted price, or as standalone sessions.

These quality evidence-based CPD sessions, available at the touch of the fingertip, are captioned with BSL interpretation and 21 day post-event on-demand access.

To book places, please see https://aesculap-academia.eventbritestudio.com/

NDCS has updated the returning to school blog for families. This is an update of a blog produced last year about coronavirus restrictions that might be place and which might impact on the support that deaf children receive in schools. The blog includes a suggested checklist of questions for families to consider.


NDCS has also updated their live coronavirus blogs. They have made some changes to streamline these, now focusing on the below topics.





NDCS will keep these updated as and when any changes or issues arise.

Tech for All - Free iPads or iPhones for children with a vision impairment, aged 3-18

NatSIP works with Guide Dogs to support all aspects of the lives of children and young people with vision impairment and the partnership is pleased to be able to promote a new and important initiative, Tech for All.

Guide Dogs is launching this new service on 22 July 2021.

Whilst technology in schools remains the responsibility of local authorities, the aim of the service is to help children with a vision impairment to have access to their own devices at home – to support learning, or simply to have fun and explore the interests and activities they enjoy. In this way, it is hoped that the service will complement the wide range of support provided across the sight loss sector to help children and young people build their independence.

Tech for All will provide iPads to visually impaired children aged 3-18 across the UK, while secondary school-age children (age 11-18) may choose an iPhone instead. The devices have excellent accessibility features built-in, and online guides and tutorials will be provided to help them get started and to ensure that they know how to stay safe online. The devices will be completely free of charge, with the only requirement being proof of vision impairment.