Folder Emotional Resilience

Files relating to the Emotonal Resilience Workstream, including:

  • Emotional Resilience Questionnaires
  • Think Right - Feel Good - HI
  • Think Right - Feel Good - VI
  • Think Right - Feel Good - Self-Advocacy
  • Parents as Partners course


Folder Emotional Resilience Questionnaires

Questionnaires for use in assessing the feelings of children and young people with SI, developed by colleagues in the Emotional Resilience workstream.

Folder Parents as Partners

Documents from the Parents as partners in promoting well-being training programme for parents supporting the well-being of children with VI.

Folder Think Right Feel Good (TRFG) - Self Advocacy

Documents for the Think Right Feel Good (TRFG) Training Programme for promoting self-advocacy in young people.

Folder Think Right Feel Good (TRFG) - VI

Documents for the Think Right Feel Good (TRFG) Training Programme for Promoting Well-being in Young People with VI

Folder Think Right Feel Good (TRFG) HI

Documents for the Think Right Feel Good (TRFG) Training Programme for Promoting Well-being in Young People with HI


archive Look, Smile, Chat: Deaf Awareness Campaign Launch Popular


Resources launched 3rd May 2012 as part of the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) deaf awareness campaign called Look, Smile, Chat.

document Ofsted - happiness scale Popular


Ofsted document on measuring happiness in children and young people

document Promoting Resilience and Well-being (December 2012) Popular


Publication from NatSIP Emotional Resilience workstream, December 2012, to assist those working with children and young people with SI to select effective stragegies to support resilience and well -being

pdf Promoting Resilience and Well-being (December 2012) pdf version Popular


pdf version of the December 2012 publication above from the NatSIP Emotional Resilience workstream