
The Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI) Resource Hub, which sits within RNIB Bookshare website, just got even better with a refreshed new accessible design.

The new website still has the same functionality that gives easy access to resources for those working with children and young people with a vision impairment (CYPVI) across the UK allowing them to better support their learners.

Together the CFVI and accompanying resources can improve the consistency in the quality of provision for CYPVI.  Through listening to feedback from the sector, we hope that by encouraging and enabling the sharing of teaching resources and strategies between professionals we will encourage a knowledge sharing culture which will, in turn, save valuable time for specialist professionals, improve efficiency and provide a level of consistency in what is being taught across the UK.

The CFVI Resource Hub can be used as a first point of reference for those working in VI education, to locate resources and information relevant to the teaching of specialist skills for CYPVI. It is free and accessible allowing easy access to specialist resources in one centralised location.

Visit to sign up to RNIB Bookshare and start sharing and accessing CFVI resources now!