
DfE SEND division would like to make you aware of an update today to the Safe Working in education, childcare and children’s social care guidance:

"In collaboration with Public Health England, we have reviewed and updated the section of the guidance on aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) in education and children’s social care settings. During this process we have worked with an expert group including NHS England, senior clinicians, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the Royal College of Nurses and SEND sector organisations including special schools, to reach a consensus based on current evidence and good practice.

We want all children and young people to be able to attend their educational setting and this revised guidance has sought to balance the need for children and young people requiring AGPs to be in their school or college whilst ensuring that the safety of all staff and pupils has been considered.  

We know that all settings, children, young people and learners have individual needs, and this guidance should be adapted to meet these individual circumstances, focusing on collaboration between education and care settings, families, local authorities and health providers. It is important that settings and services continue to communicate clearly with parents on progress so that children, young people and learners who need AGPs can be supported to return to their setting safely."