
In March 2022 RNIB and VI partner organisations launched the Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI). The framework was developed to support children and young people with vision impairment access an appropriate and equitable education, as well as offering a shared vocabulary for children and young people, families and professionals in the UK who work with them. You can access the framework at

In spring 2023 we circulated email invitations to ALL Local Authorities, Special Schools and Specialist Provisions to take part in an evaluation survey which investigates the implementation of the CFVI across the UK. The objective of this survey was for us to learn more about service providers views towards, and experiences of, using the CFVI. We were really pleased to have a huge response from across the VI sector and have received helpful feedback which in turn has helped shape our training offer and has informed our policy response.We are currently undertaking our second round of evaluation, which will focus particularly on any adjustments which may be needed to the CFVI. If you took part in the first round, please look out for an email with a direct link to this survey.

If your organisation was unable to take part last year, we would still very much appreciate your contribution for the rest of the project. Please contact Rachel Hewett at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will provide you with more information. We are asking for one representative from each organisation to complete the questionnaire. If you are unsure whether a colleague in your organisation has received or completed this survey and would like to check with us or take part, please also check this with Rachel.

We would really welcome your views. Thank you in anticipation.