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Tech for All - Free iPads or iPhones for children with a vision impairment, aged 3-18

NatSIP works with Guide Dogs to support all aspects of the lives of children and young people with vision impairment and the partnership is pleased to be able to promote a new and important initiative, Tech for All.

Guide Dogs is launching this new service on 22 July 2021.

Whilst technology in schools remains the responsibility of local authorities, the aim of the service is to help children with a vision impairment to have access to their own devices at home – to support learning, or simply to have fun and explore the interests and activities they enjoy. In this way, it is hoped that the service will complement the wide range of support provided across the sight loss sector to help children and young people build their independence.

Tech for All will provide iPads to visually impaired children aged 3-18 across the UK, while secondary school-age children (age 11-18) may choose an iPhone instead. The devices have excellent accessibility features built-in, and online guides and tutorials will be provided to help them get started and to ensure that they know how to stay safe online. The devices will be completely free of charge, with the only requirement being proof of vision impairment.

In the 6-month pilot 3,500 free devices will be distributed, though if successful it is hoped that the service will be rolled out further in 2022.

If you know anyone who might benefit, please refer them to www.guidedogs.org.uk/techforall and encourage them to apply. Applications open on Thursday 22nd July.

The following documents are available