In 2016, the Heads of Service who make up the North-East Region Heads of HI Service Group (NERHOS) formed a working group of Teachers of the Deaf with expertise in Early Years to consider the feasibility of an Early Years Framework.

Working from the existing NatSIP Eligibility Framework, the group held several meetings and trialled criteria in their own services. This was developed and revised by a group led by Tina Wakefield, and through a national pilot from July - December 2018.

Following the pilot in In February 2019, we published the Eligibility framework for scoring support levels for children from birth to the end of F1 (nursery).

In addition to the main document, there is a completable scoring form you can download and fill in for each child as you use the framework with them

Although devised by experienced practitioners, the Framework is intended as a guide to good practice for the allocation of appropriate levels of support and not as a rigid set of criteria. It should be used alongside other available materials for Early Support.

Available documents:

The suite of framework documents is now available folder here in the NatSIP documents library:

During 2015-16 a NatSIP workstream (3D.6) considered eligibility for CYP with VI to habilitation services. This group have now published their report Habilitation Eligibility Framework (with scoring support levels).

The report and the associated materials are an 'add-on' or extension kit to the main folder NatSIP Eligibility Framework, and should be used in conjunction with the main framework documentation.

The NatSIP Habilitation Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels manual has been developed for use by Registered Qualified Habilitation Specialists in Local Authority Sensory Support Services offering outreach support to children, young people and their families and educational settings.

The kit consists of the following, all available in the Document Library:

We hope that the framework will help ensure better identification of support needs by an RQHS in order to promote individual learner progress in habilitation skills. As always, we hope that use of the framework will encourage debate and suggestions, if required, for revsions. Feedback from colleagues usuing the framework will be very useful.

The latest revision of the NatSIP Eligibility Framework was undertaken in the Summer of 2017.

The Eligibility Framework 2017 Edition can be folder downloaded from here.