During 2015-16 a NatSIP workstream (3D.6) considered eligibility for CYP with VI to habilitation services. This group have now published their report Habilitation Eligibility Framework (with scoring support levels).

The report and the associated materials are an 'add-on' or extension kit to the main folder NatSIP Eligibility Framework, and should be used in conjunction with the main framework documentation.

The NatSIP Habilitation Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels manual has been developed for use by Registered Qualified Habilitation Specialists in Local Authority Sensory Support Services offering outreach support to children, young people and their families and educational settings.

The kit consists of the following, all available in the Document Library:

We hope that the framework will help ensure better identification of support needs by an RQHS in order to promote individual learner progress in habilitation skills. As always, we hope that use of the framework will encourage debate and suggestions, if required, for revsions. Feedback from colleagues usuing the framework will be very useful.