NatSIP offers membership of NatSIP to individuals and organsiations, with the aim of ensuring that the work of NatSIP can continue and develop. As well as demonstrating support for the partnership membership offers exceptional value for SI CPD opportunities, discussion events and training compared to other offers in the SI sector.
Why not get your your organisation to become a member?
Details of membership, including a membership application form can be found pdf here.
If you need more information, please contact contact the NatSIP administrator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you need information to help you get NatSIP set up as a supplier on your purchasing system, you can find our address and bank details here.
Becoming a Sponsor Stakeholder
Since April 2020, NatSIP has welcomed a group of Sponsor organisations to underpin the continuation of the valuable work that NatSIP does.
Becoming a NatSIP Sponsor is open to any member organisation working and involved in the SI sector. Contributions from sponsors are at a more significant level than annual membershi. More detail can be provided by Lindsey Rousseau, the NatSIP Facilitator..
As well as opportunities for additional publicity and recognition as NatSIP sponsors, sponsor stakeholder organisations will receive enhanced benefits, (a number of free places at NatSIP training events, etc).
The NatSIP sponsor group is represented on the NatSIP Steering Group. The Steering Group drives NatSIP policy for the future and the NatSIP Facilitator reports to its members.