Online Training: Accessibility Planning: Opportunities and Implications for SI practice - Exploring the 2025 DfE guidance for schools

NatSIP Training Events
Tue 25-Mar-2025 13:30 - 15:45


The responsibilities of schools under the Children and Families Act 2014 and to disabled children and young people under the Equality Act 2010 include learners with sensory impairments. 

The Department of Education (DfE) and the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) recently published updated  guidance to support schools to understand their responsibilities in
relation to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to empower  governors and trustees to hold their schools to account.

NatSIP is pleased to be able to offer a new online training event for SI specialist teachers, heads or senior leaders of schools and support services, and colleagues in organisations working with children and young people with sensory impairment (deafness, multi sensory and or vision impairment) in schools.


Accessibility Planning: Opportunities and Implications for SI practice.  Exploring the 2025 DfE guidance for schools


Tuesday 25 March 2025


13:30 - 15:45


Online via Microsoft Teams


£60/delegate, reduced to £30/delegate for NatSIP-member organisations.

Booking: Open now


This training will explore the guidance and resources available for SI specialists to support schools in understanding how well they are meeting their duties with
SI pupils.

Delegates will come away with:

  • a clear idea of the requirements of SEND legislation for school governing bodies.
  • knowledge of the wider context of the Equality Act duties and how they apply to SI
  • how to use DfE, CDC and other resources, to promote the importance of Sensory
    Impairment Support services in schools

Keynote speaker:

Philippa Stobbs OBE, who is is working with DfE, as a CDC Associate,  on a set of Equality Act guides for future publication.   Other speakers will include Brian Lamb OBE (NatSIP) and colleagues from the sector.

To book: 

Complete and return the booking form below.

Available document(s)