DfE have published a ‘framework’ to help schools plan for the phased re-opening of schools. It includes a number of excerpts which seem particularly relevant to professionals working in schools and services for pupils with Sensory Impairment, copied below:

Agree what returning support is available for vulnerable and/or disadvantaged children (including any dual-registered students) and put in place provision for the return of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in conjunction with families and other agencies and engage with partners who will help to provide that support, for example, local authorities.

Work with your local authority or trust (and where applicable NHS Clinical Commissioning Group) and families to identify what provision can be reasonably provided for in line with education, health and care (EHC) plans.

Agree ongoing approach for learning offer for vulnerable children and children of critical workers who are in school but not in the returning year groups.

Work with other school based-provision as necessary (for example, nursery, SEN unit) to ensure policies are aligned where they need to be.

Ensure you have considered the impact on staff and pupils with protected characteristics, including race and disability, in developing your approach.
