On 21st March DfE launched a public consultation on narrowing the digital divide in schools and colleges.
To highlight one reason why this an important consultation for SEND stakeholders, in a blog to mark the launch the following is included:
How can this help students with SEND?
For students with additional needs, reliable technology can make a significant difference for learning. A strong and secure Wi-Fi connection allows the use of portable devices in classrooms, including those that support students with SEND.
Assistive technology (AT), like dictation tools and screen readers, helps remove barriers to learning, giving every child the opportunity to thrive at school.
For example, New Bridge Multi Academy Trust in Oldham has used connectivity funding to create custom 3D-printed assistive devices, develop personalised digital learning tools, and give non-verbal students consistent access to communication technology.
Details of DfE consultation on narrowing the digital divide in schools and colleges
We know that too many schools that lack the digital infrastructure to embed effective technology use and harness the opportunities that technology can offer, while colleges may face distinct barriers. Through the proposals and investment set out in this consultation, we want to set milestones to tackle this digital divide and break down the barriers to opportunity to ensure every child and young person has access to the best possible education.
We want to bring together the sector’s expertise to tackle this issue together. We would really value your contribution and would hugely appreciate you taking the time to both complete it and share it with your networks so we can get a representative view from the education sector.
The consultation is open until Friday 23 May. You are welcome to answer all of the questions, however, most questions are optional so you can skip to the relevant questions for your organisation.
Narrowing the digital divide in schools and colleges - GOV.UK
Consultation overview
The consultation:
- Outlines existing evidence on the potential benefits, such as creating more inclusive learning environments, and the risks from technology.
- Shares a range of case studies from schools, colleges and local authorities demonstrating best practice. These include two case studies from two schools who attended DfE Assistive Technology training in 2023.
- Asks for feedback on our proposal for a long-term ambition for all schools and colleges to have a baseline level of technology infrastructure by 2030, including meeting the follow digital and technology standards:
- Broadband internet
- Wireless networks
- Network switches
- Digital leadership and governance
- Filtering and monitoring
- Cyber security
- Aims to gather evidence from the sector on:
- their readiness to meet these standards and any changes required to the standards to make them achievable
- any barriers they face in improving their technology
- any additional support they require from the Department
- their examples of best practice regarding technology
- Aims to gather evidence from organisations who support schools with technology, including suppliers on their insights into the use of technology in schools and colleges and how their organisation has aligned its products or services to support schools and colleges to meet the standards.
- Announces our planned investment in technology infrastructure for the next financial year (April 2025-March 2026)
On inclusion and supporting learners with SEND:
- A section of the consultation is focused on harnessing the opportunity of technology, highlighting improved inclusion. There is an emphasis on the importance of reliable Wi-Fi to enable the use of portable and medical devices and on digital assistive technology.