Mandatory Qualifications for HI, VI and MSI Teachers - the MQ

All qualified teachers of HI, MSI and VI children and young people are required to hold a specialist Mandatory Qualification, often known as the MQ.
The UK government guidance on the mandatory qualification can be found at

MQ Documents in the Document Library

The Mandatory Qualification also has its own section in the  NatSIP document library.  You can find the MQ section here.

Looking for training pathways information?

See the Training Pathways section of the Sensory Learning Hub.  You can find the TP section here.

The Con Powell scholarship application period for 2025 is now open. 

BATOD, on behalf of the Ovingdean Hall Foundation, administers the Con Powell Scholarship to provide bursaries for teachers wishing to train as a Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People (ToDs) but who are not are not working as a Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People (ToD), so the local authority (LA) or school is not obliged to support financially.