Folder 01. Habilitation Eligibility Framework

Habilitation Eligibility Framework


pdf 01. Habilitation Eligibility Framework Manual Popular


Habilitation Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels - Manual

(Updated on 02.11.16 to include an amendment to the classification of mild hearing loss)

The NatSIP Habilitation Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels manual has been developed for use by Registered Qualified Habilitation Specialists in local authority Sensory Support Services offering outreach support to children, young people and their families and educational settings.

Its purpose is to ensure better identification of support needs by a RQHS in order to promote individual learner progress in habilitation skills. It has been produced as a supplement to the NatSIP Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels.

document 02. Habilitation Eligibility Framework Form Popular


Natsip Habilitation Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels - Form 

The Habilitation Eligibility Framework Form has been extracted from the manual for ease of downloading and use.

Completeable form in MS Word .docx format

document 03. Habilitation Eligibility Framework Record Sheet Popular


NatSIP Habilitation Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels - Record Sheet

The Habilitation Eligibility Framework Record Sheet has been extracted from the manual for ease of downloading and use.

Its purpose is to offer a record of the scoring on successive applications of the Habilitation Eligibility Framework.

Completable form in MS Word .docx format.