Folder NatSIP Documents

Note:  File Formats - What to do if you can't open a document from the library:

Documents in the library are usually in PDF, or Microsoft Word or Powerpoint formats.  If you have Office 2003 (or one of its components such as Word 2003 or Powerpoint 2003) you may need to download and install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack to enable you to open documents created with later versions.

If you cannot open PDF files, you need to download and install Adobe Reader version 9 or later.


Library Categories below are in alphabetical order.  The site search box (upper right of this page) includes documents in the library.


Folder Better Assessments (including model EHC Plans)

NatSIP Documents for Better Assessments, Better Plans and Better Outcomes in preparation for Education, Health & Care Plans.

This section contains:

  • Assessment Frameworks
  • NatSIP model EHC plans for Ruby, Robert, Rosie, Eva, Hannah, Chloe, Raj, James, Steven and Daniel.
  • Assess-Plan-Do-Review documents other than briefings.  (APDR briefings are Folder here ).
  • EHC Plan documents
  • Vision Impairment Specific Independence Outcomes document, and the associated tracking tool.

Briefing Notes for Parents on Contributing to an EHC Plan (HI, VI, MSI) are here .

Folder Briefing Documents, Papers and Reports

NatSIP Briefing Documents, Papers and Reports.


  • Apprenticeships
  • Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Assess-Plan-Do-Review
  • Baseline assessments for HI CYP
  • Cambridge County Council - Supporting Autistic and Sensory Impaired Students
  • Considerations on the arrival of a refugee family with a child with sensory impairment
  • Contributing to an EHC Plan - Briefing Notes for Parents
  • Curriculum
  • Funding
  • Gap Analysis - The availability of specialist sensory impairment support services to support mainstream teachers and ancillary staff
  • Guidance for Parents:  Funding for Early Years education for children with SI
  • Mathematics - a programme to help primary school teachers develop deaf childen's numeracy skills
  • Mental Capacity Act
  • NatSIP response to the SEND and AP Impmentation Plan - Westminster Hall Debate - 22 March 2023
  • Promoting Independence
  • Provision of Equipment and Technology
  • Podcast Factsheets
  • Tactile signing
  • Transitions to university for VI YP
  • Writing reports for non-specialist audiences - guidance for:
    • Audiology professionals
    • Eye health professionals

Folder CPD for Specialist Teachers

CPD for Specialist Teachers

  • CPD Standards for Teachers' Professional Development
  • Mandatory Qualifications for Specialist Teachers

Folder Curriculum

Curriculum Reports and Support Documents other than briefings (Curriculum briefings are Folder here )


  • Effective Support for Pupils with VI in Secondary Schools (document suite)
  • Examination access for pupils with sensory impairment (access guide)
  • Teaching Assistant Guidance (incl model job descriptions)
  • Victoria School MSI Curriculum and the related Toolkit with attitude

Folder Eligibility Frameworks

Eligibility Framework for Scoring Support Levels Documents

  • The Eligibility Framework is a tool that enables services to provide an equitable allocation of their resources.  Entry and exit criteria for support are provided as well as a means of identifying the levels of support required.  The current version of the Eligibility Framework is the Summer 2017 Edition.
  • Habilitation Eligibility Framework documents are in their own sub-section 01.

  • Early Years HI Eligibility Framework documents are in their own sub-section 02.


Folder Emotional Resilience

Files relating to the Emotonal Resilience Workstream, including:

  • Emotional Resilience Questionnaires
  • Think Right - Feel Good - HI
  • Think Right - Feel Good - VI
  • Think Right - Feel Good - Self-Advocacy
  • Parents as Partners course

Folder Equality Act (2010), Reasonable Adjustment Guidance

Documents and papers relating to the Equality Act 2010 and its implications for SI.

DfE Non-statutory guidance

Equality and Human Rights Commission guidance (2013)

NatSIP/Guide Dogs Reasonable Adjustment Guidance for Schools (2024)

Folder Future of the Sector

Documents from the Future of the Sector Workstream


  • Future of the Sector Report (May 2017)
  • Comissioning Guide for Sensory Support Services (March 2018)

Folder Guidance On...

NatSIP Guidance On... Documents


  • Checklist for Service Alignment with Legislation and Guidance
  • Guidance on Double Funding Questions

For guidance on easy access technolgy, please check out the Mainstream Training Pack.

Folder Lamb Enquiry

The Lamb Enquiry (2009)

  • Final Report

Folder Mainstream Training Pack

The Mainstream Training Pack contains the following documents:

  • A place to start - working wth a child or young person with sensory impairment
  • A place to start - Top 10 Tips
  • Guidance on Easy Access Technology
  • Hearing impairment case study
  • Visual impairment case study
  • Multi-sensory impairment case study

Additions scheduled for 2018 include:

  • Accessibility plans (not yet published)
  • Examples of quality first teaching (not yet published)

Folder Mandatory Qualification

Documents relating to the Mandatory Qualificaiton (MQ) for HI, VI and MSI

Folder Mental Capacity Act 2005

NatSIP guidance for parents on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 as it relates to young people making their own decisions about their education. 


  • Parents Booklet
  • NatSIP MCA Capacity Assessment Proforma
  • Capacity Assessment Proforma Guidance Notes
  • MCA Summary Briefing Note for SI professionals
  • Links to the legislation and code of practice

Folder MSI and Intervenors

Files relating to Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) and Intervenors


  • MSI Outcomes Measures document
  • Promoting Independence - Service Standards for intervenor services
  • The future learning and development needs for intervenors

 The Victoria School MSI Curriculum, and its companion 'Toolkit with attitude' are Folder here.

Folder National Audit Office Report - Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in England - 11 September 2019

Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General
Department for Education:  Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in England
HC 2636 SESSION 2017–2019 11 SEPTEMBER 2019

Folder NatSIP Working Days and Events

Files and speaker presentations from NatSIP Working Days and Events, including the Heads of Sensory Support Services (HoSS) regional and national conferences.

Folder NatSIP-CRIDE Longitudinal Study

This section contains the following files from the NatSIP-CRIDE Longitudinal Study.

  • Information Sheet for Local Authority Hearing Impairment Support Teams
  • Guidance
  • Sample Consent Form (for internal LA use only)
  • (Optional) Year Three Individual Pupil Data Collection Forms: Introduction
  • (Optional) Year Three Individual Pupil Data Collection Form: Cohort A
  • (Optional) Year Three Individual Pupil Data Collection Form: Cohort B
  • Reference Copy of the Survey Questionnaire: On-Screen version
  • Reference Copy of the Survey Questionnaire: Hard Copy version
  • NatSIP-CRIDE Longitudinal Study First Year (T1) Summary Report

Folder Outcomes Benchmarking - Guidance & Forms

This section contains:

  • Guidance Document for the Outcomes Benchmarking exercise for Academic Year 2016-17 which closes in February 2018.
  • Optional Individual Pupil Data (IPD) Collection Forms for HI, VI and MSI are also in this section.  The IPD forms are for internal use by services.  If used within a service, they should not be returned to NatSIP.

(Documents from previous NatSIP Outcomes Benchmarking exercises are archived Folder here )

Folder Outcomes Benchmarking - Reports & Archive

Outcomes Benchmarking:

  • Reports
  • Archive of files from previous exercises
  • Tracking Resources submitted by Services

Folder Quality Improvement & Quality Standards


  • Quality Standards for Sensory Services
  • Quality Improvement Support Pack and supporting materials
  • Quality Standards:  Resource provisions for deaf children and young people in mainstream schools (September 2020)

Folder SEND & Pathfinders

Documents relating to Special Educational Needs and Disability and Pathfinder Pilots.

Folder SEND Reforms - Implementation Support

NatSIP guidance to support schools, services, Local Authorities and agencies with the implementation of the SEND Reforms, within the Children and Families Act 2014, for children and young people with Sensory Impairment

These include:

  • Joint Commissioning (key information to support the requirement for joint commissioning of services for children and young people with sensory impairments)
  • The Local Offer (NatSIP guidance to support the development of the Local Offer for children and young people with sensory impairment
  • The SEN Information Report (an evaluation tool for schools, to ensure that parents are fully informed about provision for children and young people with SEND, including Sensory Impairment)
  • Model Service Level Agreements for the provision of services for deaf pupils (March 2018)

Folder SERSEN & SESIP Document Archive

Documents from the former SERSEN and SESIP Websites.

Folder SI Documents and Papers

Documents and papers relating to Sensory Impairment policy and practice.

Folder Supporting the SI Workforce

Files from the Supporting the SI workforce and Workforce Development workstreams.


  • Supporting the achievement of deaf children in... - a series of resources about how best to support deaf children in different educational settings
  • Report on the factors promoting and inhibiting the successful supply of specialist teachers
  • Proposal to develop a new standardised braille reading test
  • Report:  Pupils with a hearing impairment who do not make the expected levels of progress - recommendations to improve outcomes
  • Learner outcomes framework for VI children and young people - report and supporting documents
  • Framework for the allocation of communication support workers


Folder Training Pathways

Training pathways documents