Folder Mental Capacity Act 2005

NatSIP guidance for parents on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 as it relates to young people making their own decisions about their education. 


  • Parents Booklet
  • NatSIP MCA Capacity Assessment Proforma
  • Capacity Assessment Proforma Guidance Notes
  • MCA Summary Briefing Note for SI professionals
  • Links to the legislation and code of practice


pdf 01. No Decision About My Education Without Me Popular


No decision about my education without me

An information booklet for parents of young people with sensory impariment and/or special needs making decisions about their education.

This booklet provides advice on the Mental Capacity Act 2005, its relationship with the Children and Families Act 2014, the legal definitions of 'mental capacity' to make a decision, how capacity is assessed, and how decisions are made in the young person's best interests if they lack capacity.

PDF Format.

Booklet Version 2, April 2015,


pdf 02. Mental Capacity Act 2005: Capacity Assessment Form Guidance Notes Popular


Guidance notes on how to complete the Capacity Assessment Form (3) below.

You must read these guidance notes in full before you undertake a capacity assessment using the form.

PDF Format

Version P1, January 2015

document 03. Mental Capacity Act 2005: NatSIP Capacity Assessment Form Popular


A completable form in Microsoft Word Format to help you undertake and record a Mental Capacity Act 2005 compliant capacity assessment. 

This form must be used in conjunction with the Guidance Notes (2) above.

Microsoft Word 2010 Format (.docx)

Version P1, January 2015

pdf 04. MCA Guidance: Summary Briefing Note Popular


A short (8 page) briefing note giving guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and the its code of practice, for use in SI settings

PDF Format

default 05. Mental Capacity Act 2005: The Legislation Popular


Mental Capacity Act 2005 - The Legislation.

This is a link to where the full text of the Act can be downloaded.

pdf 06. Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Code of Practice Popular


The Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice

This is a link to where the full text of the Code of Practice can be downloaded.

default 07. Children and Families Act 2014: The Legislation Popular


Children and Families Act 2014:  The Legislation.

This is a link to where the full text of the Act can be downloaded.

pdf 08. Deprivation of Liberty (under-18s) The Law Society Popular


The Law Society 2015 guidance about deprivation of liberty for under 18s, also applies to residential schools. pdf of Chapter 9.

pdf 09. Applying the Mental Capacity Act 2005 - The Book - Flyer Popular


Jane Sinson, who developed the NatSIP materials on the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and led the NatSIP trainining sessions, has gone on to write a book on the subject.

Entitled Applying the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in Education, it is due to be published in February 2016. 

This flyer includes details of the book and how to order it from the publishers.

PDF Format.