Folder SEND Reforms - Implementation Support

NatSIP guidance to support schools, services, Local Authorities and agencies with the implementation of the SEND Reforms, within the Children and Families Act 2014, for children and young people with Sensory Impairment

These include:

  • Joint Commissioning (key information to support the requirement for joint commissioning of services for children and young people with sensory impairments)
  • The Local Offer (NatSIP guidance to support the development of the Local Offer for children and young people with sensory impairment
  • The SEN Information Report (an evaluation tool for schools, to ensure that parents are fully informed about provision for children and young people with SEND, including Sensory Impairment)
  • Model Service Level Agreements for the provision of services for deaf pupils (March 2018)


Folder 01. Your Local Offer: Parents Guide, Young Person's Guide

Your Local Offier:

  • Guide for Parents
  • Guide  for Young People

Folder Joint Commissioning Files

Support Files for Joint Commissioning

Folder Local Offer Support Files

Support Files for Local Offer

Folder Model Service Level Agreements (March 2018)

Model Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for the provision of deaf education services in different settings.


Folder School Information Files

Support Files for School Information


pdf 01. Local Offer - Creating Confidence in Services Popular


Creating Confidence in Local Services - NatSIP Guidance to support the development of the Local Offer for children and young people with sensory impairment

Version P1.2

(PDF Format)

pdf 02. Including Sensory Services in the Local Offer Popular


Companion paper to 01. above

Version P1

(PDF Format)

pdf 03. Joint Commissioning - Key Information to support joint commissioning of services Popular


Key Information to support Joint Commissioning of Services

Version P1.1

(PDF Format)

pdf 03a. Joint Commissioning - Key information Summary Leaflet Popular


Key Information to support Joint Commissioning of Services taken form the full report (03. above) presebted as a 4-page leaflet, intended for use with commissioners.

Version P1, July 2014

(PDF Format)

pdf 04. Schools Information - SEN Information Report - Evaluation Tool Popular


The Children and Families Act 2014 requires schools to prepare an SEN Information Report to ensure that parents are fully informed about the provision the school is making for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

This evaluation template will help the school think about what information it must provide to parents, its overall approach to SEND within the school and how this fits with the overall local offer as defined by the Local Authority.

Document version 2a Revised May 2015 (Brian Lamb)

(PDF Format)

pdf 05. Personal Budgets guidance Popular


NatSIP guidance on personal budgets

Pdf version updated and published March 2015

pdf 06. Effective practice in transition and provision for young people ages 16-25 with SI: Guidance for Practitioners Popular


This report, Effective practice in transition and provision for young people ages 16-25 with sensory impairments: Guidance for Practitioners was produced by NatSIP Workdstream 7 in January 2015

Document version P1 rev c (21 May 2015)

PDF Format

pdf 07. Evaluation of NatSIP local Offer Guidance Popular


A report evaluating the use of the guidance Creating Confidence in Local Services - NatSIP Guidance to support the development of the Local Offer for children and young people with sensory impairment (document 01 above) and Including Sensory Services in the Local Offer (02. above)


(PDF Format)

Document vP1 - May 2015