Folder Outcomes Benchmarking - Guidance & Forms

This section contains:

  • Guidance Document for the Outcomes Benchmarking exercise for Academic Year 2016-17 which closes in February 2018.
  • Optional Individual Pupil Data (IPD) Collection Forms for HI, VI and MSI are also in this section.  The IPD forms are for internal use by services.  If used within a service, they should not be returned to NatSIP.

(Documents from previous NatSIP Outcomes Benchmarking exercises are archived Folder here )


document 01. Outcome Benchmarking Guidance for current exercise Popular


document 01. Outcome Benchmarking Guidance for current exercise

The Guidance document for the current exercise:
Data from the 2016-17 Academic Year
Returns due by end February 2018.

Document:  41 pages, WORD format.
Updated 13.02.2018 to include amended Attainment 8 guidance

We strongly recommend that you download and print a copy of this document and have it by you as you prepare for and go on to submit your return using the web-based Outcomes BenchMarking Returns System (OBMRS) as described within the Guidance document. 

The Guidance contains:

  • formal definitions of each of the 14 Performance Indicators (PIs)
  • information on the data we ask you to submit for each PI
  • answers many of the questions we have been asked in previous years
  • an illustrated walk-through section on how to make your return using OBMRS.

document 02. Individual Pupil Data Collection Form - HI Popular


Individual Pupil Data Collection Forms for HI, VI, and MSI are provided to help sensory support service personnel in collecting the required data on individual pupils.

The use of these particular forms is entirely optional; services may use them internally, but should not return them to NatSIP.

MS Word .docx Format for Word 2007 or later


document 03. Individual Pupil Data Collection Form - VI Popular


Individual Pupil Data Collection Forms for HI, VI, and MSI are provided to help sensory support service personnel in collecting the required data on individual pupils.

The use of these particular forms is entirely optional; services may use them internally, but should not return them to NatSIP.

MS Word .docx Format for Word 2007 or later

document 04. Individual Pupil Data Collection Form - MSI Popular


Individual Pupil Data Collection Forms for HI, VI, and MSI are provided to help sensory support service personnel in collecting the required data on individual pupils.

The use of these particular forms is entirely optional; services may use them internally, but should not return them to NatSIP.

MS Word.docx format for Word 2007 or later.