Folder Outcomes Benchmarking - Reports & Archive

Outcomes Benchmarking:

  • Reports
  • Archive of files from previous exercises
  • Tracking Resources submitted by Services


Folder Benchmarking 2009-10 academic year

Files from the Benchmaking exercise for the 2009-10 academic year.

Folder Benchmarking 2010-11 academic year

Files from the Benchmaking exercise for the 2010-11 academic year.

Folder Benchmarking 2011-12 academic year

Files from the Benchmaking exercise for the 2011-12 academic year.

Folder Benchmarking 2012-13 academic year

Files from the Benchmaking exercise for the 2012-13 academic year.

Folder Benchmarking 2013-14 academic year

Files from the Benchmaking exercise for the 2013-14 academic year.

Folder Benchmarking 2014-15 academic Year

Files from the Benchmaking exercise for the 2014-15 academic year.

Folder Benchmarking 2015-16 Academic Year

Files from the Bechmarking exercise for the 2015-16 Academic Year .


Folder Outcomes & Tracking Resources

This section contains a range of school-age and post-16 outcomes and tracking resources.

Services can share their resources by submitting documents for uploading to Bob Denman


document Applications of Benchmarking Data (July 2012) Popular


This document provides Sensory Support Services with a checklist of potential uses for the NatSIP Outcomes Benchmarking data.

document Background Paper Popular


Background Paper - Development of the NatSIP Outcomes Benchmarking Tool.

document Linking Outcomes Benchmarking to the DCSF Quality Standards Popular


 This document,  prepared through the Outcomes Benchmarking Workstream, sets out the DCSF Quality Standards for SEN and Outreach Services, as listed in the DCSF (2008) publication, in a tabular format with space against the supporting evidence for each standard for comment on the potential contribution of the Ooutcomes Benchmarking performance indicators and data.