Folder 03. Quality Standards for resource provisions for deaf children and young people in mainstream schools

Quality Standards for resource provisions for deaf children and young people in mainstream schools

Published in September 2020, these updated documents set out standards for the operation of resource provisions for deaf children and young people in primary and secondary schools throughout the UK.

Their purpose is to improve outcomes for deaf pupils by providing a framework which:

  • helps schools (including academies and free schools in England) and local authorities evaluate the effectiveness of the education provision made for deaf children and young people
  • informs the development of school policy and plans
  • supports the development and review of service level agreements between the local authority (or the Education Authority in Northern Ireland), and the school hosting the resource provision
  • promotes good practice and the effective and efficient use of resources

The standards can be applied throughout the UK and have been written with reference to guidance, evaluation frameworks and inspection standards operating in all four countries


pdf 01. Quality Standards for resource provisions for deaf children and young people in mainstream schools Popular


The quality standards document

A$, PDF Format, 26 Pages


document 02. Quality Standards for resource provisions - Evaluation Tool Popular


Completable document to help you evaluate yourself against the standard document

MS Word (.DOCX) Format

44 Pages