Folder Learner outcomes framework for VI children and young people

Produced by Workstream 1B.2 in 2015-16, this section contains the Learner outcomes framework for VI children and young people

Practitioners, researchers and consultants from RNIB, University of Birmingham, Brent Sensory Service and Positive Eye co-produced with children and young people with VI, a set of resources for teachers to use when consulting with children and young people about the outcomes that are important to them.

The resources are based on a framework organised around eight outcome categories for specialist provision for children and young people with VI, which map onto the core and additional curriculum.

The guidelines and outcome statements, in the toolkit have been developed from an original, trademarked concept created by Positive Eye Ltd and are used by permission.  They are shared with NatSIP by permission.

A report,and a full set of supporting materials are available..


Folder Learner outcomes framework for VI CYP - Supporting materials

Supporting materials for the Learner Outcomes Framework for VI CYP document.


pdf Report: learner outcomes framework for VI children and young people Popular


Workstream 1B.2

Report:  Learner outcomes framework for VI children and young people

A framework for support for young people with vision impairment provided by a VI education service

March 2016

PDF Format

24 Pages