Folder Old Eligibility Framework/Eligibility Criteria Versions
The documents in this folder are old versions and are deprecated and replaced by the current Eligibility Franework Document. They are preserved for comparison and historucal reference only, and should not be used.
Folder EC 2009 Edition
This folder contains the 2009 version of the Eligibility Criteria documentation.
This is made available for historic interest only. Files in this folder and its subfolders are deprecated and replaced by the 2012 Edition.
Folder EC 2012 Edition
This folder contains the 2012 version of the Eligibility Criteria documentation.
This is made available for historic interest only. Files in this folder and its subfolders are deprecated and replaced by the 2015 Edition.
Folder EC 2015 Edition
This folder contains the 2015 version of the Eligibility Criteria documentation.
This is made available for historic interest only. Files in this folder and its subfolders are deprecated and replaced by the current Edition.