Folder EC 2009 Edition

This folder contains the 2009 version of the Eligibility Criteria documentation.

This is made available for historic interest only.  Files in this folder and its subfolders are deprecated and replaced by the 2012 Edition.



pdf iEC QuickGuide Popular


A quick guide to using the interactive Eligibility Criteria (NatSIP 2011)

This document relates to the 2009 edition of the Eligibility Criteria.  It is provided for historic interest only.  It is deprecated and replaced by the 2015 edition.

pdf Outcomes 0611 Popular


A tracking document for use with the Eligibility Criteria, created by Stuart Whyte in West Sussex. Staff in West Sussex will be trialling this during the Summer and Autumn terms 2011.

This document relates to the 2009 edition of the Eligibility Criteria.  It is provided for historic interest only.  It is deprecated and replaced by the 2015 edition.

pdf Revised Eligibility Criteria Document (2009) Popular


SESIP Eligibility Criteria for Scoring Support Levels Document

First published by SERSEN 2005.?
Revised by SESIP 2009.

This document is provided for historic interest only.  It is deprecated and replaced by the 2015 edition.