Folder EC Old Versions HI (2012)


document HI Form v1 Popular


This document relates to the 2012 edition of the Eligibility Criteria.  It is provided for historic interest only.  It is deprecated and replaced by the 2015 edition.


HI Form v1 - MS Word Format

This WORD version of the HI Eligibility Criteria Form has a blank Support Allocation Matrix on the final page. This enables a service to enter its own, bespoke matrix on the form which can then be saved. 

document HI Form v2 Popular


This document relates to the 2012 edition of the Eligibility Criteria.  It is provided for historic interest only.  It is deprecated and replaced by the 2015 edition.


HI Form v2 - MS Word Format

This WORD version of the HI Eligibility Criteria Form has the Example 1 Support Allocation Matrix (ref. page 8 in the EC booklet) on the final page for services wishing to adopt this particular matrix in their practice.


document HI Form v3 Popular


This document relates to the 2012 edition of the Eligibility Criteria.  It is provided for historic interest only.  It is deprecated and replaced by the 2015 edition.


HI Form v3 - MS Word Format

This WORD version of the HI Eligibility Criteria Form has the Example 2 Support Allocation Matrix (ref. page 8 in the EC booklet) on the final page for services wishing to adopt this particular matrix in their practice.