pdf 04. Supporting the achievement of deaf young people in further education Popular


The aim of this resource is to help staff in further education to:

  • make effective provision for deaf students so that they make good progress and develop the independent learning and life skills they will need in adulthood
  • prepare deaf students effectively for the range of different pathways after further education including higher education, apprenticeships and employment
  • take the reasonable steps required under the Equality Act (2010) (or the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) in Northern Ireland) to ensure that deaf students are not treated less favourably than other students.

This resource will achieve this by:

  • explaining the implications of deafness on language and learning
  • providing advice on how to help a deaf student make a successful transition both into college and beyond
  • describing the measures college staff can take to enable a deaf student to succeed.

76 Pages A4

(PDF Format)