pdf 06. Supporting the achievement of deaf young people in higher education Popular
Deaf people can work in a wide range of roles and sectors and higher education is a popular route for deaf young people who need a degree to work in their chosen field.
It is therefore important that staff working in these settings understand deaf young people's needs and have strategies to meet them, so that they get the most out of higher education.
This resource will help higher education staff to support deaf students to achieve in higher education. It has been developed by the National Deaf Children's Society with support from the Consortium of Higher Education Support Services for deaf students (CHESS), The Ear Foundation and the National Sensory Impairment Partnership..
The resource will help staff in higher education to:
- make sure that deaf students have the support they need to make good progress, take advantage of the opportunities of higher education and successfully complete their studies
- take the reasonable steps required under the Equality Act 2010 (or the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) in Northern Ireland) to make sure that deaf students are not treated less favourably than other students.
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A4, 40 pages