Welcome to the NatSIP Website

This website offers access to a wealth of SI resources, most of which are now freely available.  We encourage you to register on the site for full access to everything we have to offer.  Registration is free, and open to anyone.  A walkthrough/howto on the registration process is here.

In June 2016, NatSIP published the Quality Standards for Sensory Support Services document.

The document drew from the Ofsted framework for inspecting education establishmentsm and, in particular, the Ofsted/CQC framework for consultation, for inspecting local area arrangements for identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people with SEND.

In 2022, the RNIB published the Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI).  For more detail on the CFVI, please see the RNIB website here.

In response to the CFVI, in August 2023, Appendix 2 was added to the Quality Standards document, showing how the Quality Standards map on to the CFVI and vice versa.

The updated document can be found in the document library.

Available document:

Last June NatSIP partners joined See Ability eye care champions in signing a letter to NHS England and government on improving eye care for people with learning disabilities.

Yesterday there was good news in that there has been a new commitment to rollout sight testing in all special schools from next year 2024/25! Where there is the existing NHS service in special schools this will continue too.

It’s such a great bit of news and SeeAbility wanted to thank everyone for all their incredible support!

If you would like to read more the government statement is in full here

NDCS has today publicly launched Every Moment Counts, their new 2023-2028 strategy.

It’s based on these charitable objectives:

  • To deliver outstanding support in the early years;
  • To provide life-changing information and advice;
  • To build communities that unite families;
  • (in respect of our international work) to be the leading global authority on childhood deafness

The strategy is available at https://www.ndcs.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/every-moment-counts-our-2023-to-2028-strategy/ and there is a media landing page at https://www.ndcs.org.uk/every-moment-counts